Did Trump Rape a 13-Year-Old?

To discuss the Orange-Grinch-Who-Stole-Democracy is to dig through a veritable minefield of failed businesses, cheated employees, scammed students and battered women. Lawsuits, mismanaged money and tax evasion follow in the footsteps of this beast. One can find any number of horrendous and disturbing details about Trump, but this week I have chosen to zoom in on a story that few people are talking about, yet is more disturbing than almost anything we have ever heard about Trump.

In and among the waste of 4,056 lawsuits (as counted by USA Today), comes a frightful tale of pedophilia, abuse, rape and violence. Outside of the 11 brave women who have stepped forward to expose Trump’s misogyny and explain their claims of rape by Trump, Jill Hearth and Ivana Trump have both already filed against Trump for rape. In the case of Ivana Trump, she explained a violent case of marital rape. In the case of Jill Hearth, one of Trump’s business partners, he attempted to rape her during a business meeting. Trump settled out of court with both women to silence them, but he reneged on his own agreement, opening the door for Hearth to stand by her story publicly.

As reported first by The Huffington Post, an April 2016 case filed against Trump told the story of a girl raped by Trump at a Jeffrey Epstein party in 1994. At the time, the victim was 13 years old. Obviously, I cannot declare Trump guilty, but I can explore the facts surrounding the case.

By now, anyone with a smartphone and internet connection has heard Trump’s abominable, jovial manner in which he discussed rape. We have all heard Trump’s repeated uses of misogyny, and we know what Trump is like publicly. But on top of that, in the case, the victim states that Trump raped her at four separate events hosted by Jeffrey Epstein, with Epstein raping her as well. Jeffrey Epstein is a billionaire pedophile. This godless and depraved criminal is a convicted felon and a registered level three sex offender who has served time in federal prison for his criminal actions against underage children. Widely accused of holding extravagant orgies involving underage children, Epstein often used pre-teens as sex workers for his billionaire rape sessions.

In addition, the lead witness to this new accusation against Trump is Jeffrey Epstein’s party planner from 1991-2000, who says that she witnessed the events in questions, and was involved in luring the victim to these parties, promising a lucrative modeling future if she let Trump and others use her for their sexual pleasure. The witness remarked that, “I swear to these facts under the penalty for perjury even though I fully understand that the life of myself and my family is now in grave danger.”

Finally, let us consider the manner of creature Trump associates himself with. Corey Lewandowski, his former campaign manager, forcefully grabbed and injured a female reporter at a rally, then refused to apologize. Roger Ailes, his new adviser, was forced out from his own company for a history of systematically preying on women and attempting to rape them by threatening them with the negative repercussions of quid pro quo situations (translation: “Let me rape you, or I’ll fire you”). Surrogate Rudy Giuliani has a history of taking advantage of his employees and screwing his staffers in extramarital affairs while he served in public office. The Abominable Trumpman surrounds himself with men equally as abusive, immoral and licentious as himself.

Talking Potato Head Rush Limbaugh actually attempted to defend Trump’s carefree approach to consent, saying, “If the left ever senses and smells that there’s no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police.” If there’s no consent in a sex act, then that is literally the definition of sexual assault and rape you thoughtless, feeble-minded simpleton.

I’ll let the audience decide what to make of this case. But ask yourself, given Trump’s history of misogyny, all the incidents of rape and sexual assault accused against him, and his campaign’s seemingly willful ignorance of the laws of consent, is it really that shocking to find out that this slovenly, careless, baby-handed, whining, orange-furred baboon has stooped this low? Physically, Trump is akin to the result of Ebenezer Scrooge being bloated to the size of an industrial refrigerator. Donald Trump is as repulsive as the feces left by a dog on your front lawn. Trump is as visually disturbing as any version of Darth Vader’s face under the mask. Mr. Trump is as terrible a businessman (how do you lose 18 billion dollars in the casino industry in Atlantic City during the boom of the 1990s?) as he is Neanderthalic in his actions and dialogue. Given that, would it really be that surprising that Trump raped a 13-year-old?


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