Sexism in Our Elections

When Donald Trump’s vulgarities were revealed through the leak of a tape from 2005, in which the Republican presidential nominee made many misogynistic and crude comments, he apologized and then tried to deflect blame by saying that Bill Clinton has “said far worse,” going on to retweet those condemning Hillary Clinton for enabling her husband. He doubled down on this line of attack in full force, bringing her husband’s accusers with him to the 2nd presidential debate, holding a press conference with them. He continued to use them as political props throughout the debate itself, going so far as to attempt to seat them in the VIP box next to Bill Clinton purely for the shock effect and spectacle. In condemning Trump’s sexism in the recording, we must also remember to condemn the sexism in his apology. Why should Clinton be responsible for her husband’s past moral digressions? Male politicians are not attacked for their infidelities. After all, Trump himself famously cheated on his first wife with his second wife. Clinton is only being held responsible for her husband’s mistakes because she is a woman. Trump should not be allowed to use sexism to deflect attention away from his own misogyny.

"All of this is part of the greater sexism that Clinton faces by virtue of the fact that she is a woman in a country that remains uncomfortable with the idea of empowered women."

Throughout this election cycle, Clinton has been repeatedly attacked due to her husband’s womanizing. During the last debate, Trump utilized the rhetorical technique praeteritio, saying that he was going to attack Clinton on her family life. He then decided to hold back because that would be “not nice.” Nevertheless, Trump went on to employ a similar tactic on CNN after. Since the release of the tapes, Trump has been relentless with this approach, desperate to deflect attention away from his own clear and disgusting misogyny. Noteable Trump supporter Rudy Giuliani called Clinton “stupid” for believing in and standing by her husband. This is despite the fact that Giuliani left his second wife for his mistress. The hypocrisy is incredible. Men in American politics are allowed to have less than angelic personal lives, but women cannot even be associated with those who have committed some moral wrongdoing. Women are expected to hold themselves to a higher moral standard than men and remain pure and angelic, while “boys will be boys.”

This isn’t to say that Bill Clinton shouldn’t be scrutinized. After committing adultery, he very publicly lied about it. He is obviously no moral angel. He may or may not have raped Juanita Broaddrick and harassed Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. These women deserve to be recognized and believed until given a reason otherwise. They certainly deserve more than to be used as tools to take down Clinton. Nevertheless, Bill Clinton is not Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton’s poor character is not a reflection on Hillary Clinton’s character. It’s certainly not a reflection on her policy opinions.

All of this is part of the greater sexism that Clinton faces by virtue of the fact that she is a woman in a country that remains uncomfortable with the idea of empowered women. The constant attacks concerning her health, the insinuation that she is too weak, too fragile or frail to be president and Trump’s droning on how Clinton doesn’t have enough stamina are all rhetoric centered around the idea that men are stronger than women. Time and time again Clinton is defined by her femininity. She’s not just a presidential candidate, she’s a female presidential candidate. Clinton has faced disgusting sexism throughout her presidential campaign, and we must not forget that as we condemn Trump’s misogyny.


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