America’s Dark Road to Trump

Our nation started going down a road of darkness on June 16, 2015: the day Donald J. Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States. At the time, many didn’t believe Trump had the ability to make it far in the race, dismissing his campaign as a long shot. His shocking remarks regarding the Mexican government sending over “rapists” shocked all that opposed him, even furthering their belief that Trump’s campaign would soon dissolve. Yet the rhetoric continued. Seeming to offend everyone, he has made comments about women, war heroes, race, Islam, Judaism and his own children, saying Ivanka was a “hot piece of a**.” This leaves me wondering who can support him at all. When is enough, enough?

Donald Trump has made two world religions targets of his attacks. His assaults against Islam are by far the most shocking. His most infamous statement, “Islam hates us,” was just one of many comments that generalized and stereotyped the religion and its followers. Donald also plans to take drastic measures in order to stop “Radical Islamic Terrorism” including banning all Muslims from traveling to the United states and creating a Muslim-American database. The highly offensive language Trump uses and the extreme policies he has laid out regarding Muslims are not to be taken lightly. Islam is not the only religion that Donald Trump has targeted, however. On the official Donald Trump twitter account, an image of Hillary Clinton was posted, captioned “Crooked Hillary—Makes History!” In the background of the image were multiple 100 dollar bills and “Most Corrupt Candidate” placed in the star of David. This tweet perpetuated the stereotype of Jews being greedy with their money, hence the use of the six pointed star. The comments that were made by Trump offend all Muslims and Jews, as well as anyone who follows a religion.From the instance of telling a female contestant on The Apprentice that she would “look good on her knees,” to calling Rosie O’Donnell a “pig,” to suggesting Fox News reporter Megyn Kelly was menstruating, Donald Trump has proven time and time again he disrespects women. In addition to his recent comments, a video of Trump in 2005 speaking horrendously of women has been released just this past week. Language so vulgar was used that it lead even Trump himself to make what seems to be his first apology of the race. The derogatory remarks towards women should discourage anyone, especially females, to vote for Donald.

Never before has there been a presidential candidate that has stereotyped and affronted ethnicities, races, religions, genders and individuals like Donald Trump. The sheer lack of respect for everyone who is not like him is astounding, as shown in his comparison of golf to gay marriage: “It’s like in golf. A lot of people—I don’t want this to sound trivial—but a lot of people are switching to these really long putters, very unattractive. It’s weird. You see these great players with these really long putters because they can’t sink three-footers anymore. And I hate it. I am a traditionalist. I have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay, but I am a traditionalist.” Recently, Trump has decreased the amount of abhorrent comments. Some may say it is in an attempt to become more presidential, but the issue for Trump is that there are no more people to discriminate against! He has covered all of the bases. Yet support for Donald remains rampant in our country, leaving me to ask when is enough, enough?


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