Hillary and Her Black Vote

The race for the Democratic Nomination is getting tighter every Tuesday. Hillary wins some states by miles, loses by a landslide in others. Bernie and Hillary are both campaigning their hardest and using their reputations as long-time politicians to prove to all of us that they are ready to handle the presidency. Although they are both highly qualified and seasoned politicians, they both need to work their hardest until the end of the race as it is closer than ever. Bernie Sanders seems to be moving up in the polls each day, but he still does not have enough votes to finally beat Hillary. It seems as if the whole country wants to “feel the bern” and have change in this world with Bernie as their president. So what is keeping Clinton afloat? One of the primary things that has held Clinton’s head above water is the black vote. African-Americans simply just are not “feeling the bern” as a lot of young, white liberals are; even though Sanders is a huge advocate for economic and social justice, the black population is just not with him. The reasons for this mystifies many as there are plenty of aspects to Bernie’s political views that would help African Americans much more than Hillary. But they still stand by Hillary’s side, even giving her 92 percent of their vote in Alabama.

Although there is no definitive answer to this question, there are definitely many contributing factors to Hillary’s popularity within the African American community. For starters, Bill Clinton’s Crime Bill in 1994, dubbed the “mass incarceration machine,” cut crime significantly in primarily black neighborhoods. Although the bill did cause the imprisonment of many, black voters all across the nation still remember Bill’s efforts and success in decreasing crime. This remembrance of the Clinton’s being an ally of their community has definitely sparked an increase in support for Hillary among the African American community.

Another reason for Hillary obtaining the black vote is because of the general standing of black Americans politically. African Americans are, contrary to popular belief, generally more socially conservative than young, white liberals (Bernie’s supporters). Even though Hillary seems to be more progressive as each day comes around, she is still to the right of Sanders. This is one of the more confusing aspects, however. African Americans are the second poorest race in the USA (first being Native Americans). Bernie’s radical leftist economic policies specifically designed for the lower and middle class should appeal to poorer people. Yet somehow, African Americans have time and time again rejected Sanders.

One last speculation as to why Hillary is popular among African Americans is that in the realm of politics, she too is a minority. As a woman, she has a naturally harder time of making it politically. Now, as the frontrunner for President of the United States, Clinton has achieved ultimate media attention, making her name known throughout the country. This knowledge of her presence in our government combined with the similarity of also being a minority may have some affect on how black Americans view Hillary. Clinton also supported Barack Obama who is undoubtedly a friend to all minorities. On the other hand, Bernie may be viewed as an old white guy who has time after time bashed President Obama.

As a Sanders supporter, this would not be a large concern of mine unless the race was as tight as it is. There are no doubts that Hillary has obtained the black vote. And with both candidates hovering over 50 percent in the polls, Sanders needs people other than young, white male to vote for him if he wants even a chance at winning the Democratic nomination.


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