Media Trust

TV news media today is no longer trustworthy, a fact that is both sad and troubling. When comedians such as Jon Stewart are considered to be better sources of news than actual journalists, it becomes clear that our TV news outlets need to present better quality information. No one news source will ever be completely trusted by every American. No news source will ever present information in a completely unbiased way. However, as the majority of people still rely on TV as a major source of news, it is imperative that the quality of our TV news improves. It is not too much to ask for accurate information to be presented to the American people.

It is clear why our TV news is not trusted when major networks such as MSNBC, CNN and Fox News report in a biased and inaccurate manner. CNN news host Don Lemon recently questioned whether Malaysia Airlines flight 370 was swallowed by a black hole, a clearly illogical and ludicrous thought, and questioned an alleged rape victim as to why she did not physically injure her rapist. MSNBC has a clear history of broadcasting and sharing biased and derogatory comments, such as a tweet stereotyping the right wing as against biracial couples. Fox News most recently garnered controversy by asserting that there are “no go zones” in Paris where non-Muslims are unable to enter, as well as claiming that the English city of Birmingham is a Muslim only city. These are just a few examples of TV news networks presenting information in a false and biased manner, a practice which is unfortunately becoming the industry standard in the United States.

TV is currently a major new source for 87 percent of Americans. The information broadcast of TV news programs influences and affects so many people. While some may argue that online and print journalism provides a good enough alternative for TV news, that doesn’t change the fact that Television remains a major source of information for many Americans. When so many people rely on the information offered by these sources, TV news must be held to a higher standard.

While some may argue that online and print journalism provides a good enough alternative for TV news, that doesn’t change the fact that Television remains a major source of information for many Americans.

The most important aspect of a journalist’s role in our society is to accurately present the people with important and relevant information. We live in an increasingly interconnected world in which one person’s actions have a greater and greater impact on others. For this reason it is more important now than ever that the people are provided with truthful information from our most relevant news sources. People have a right to the truth, and since TV news media is the most frequently used source of information, TV news should be the most trustworthy source of information. It is disappointing and unfortunate that that is not the case. 


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