Rawson Responds to COVID-19: Students and Families

This letter was sent to Exeter students and families on March 11, 2020, by Principal William Rawson. Find statement below.

Dear Exeter students and families,

I am writing to update you on recent decisions regarding Exeter’s response to COVID-19 and the well-being of our community. These are difficult decisions and we understand how challenging this moment will be for you. We are delaying the start of spring term and planning to use online instruction during the first weeks of school. In making these decisions, we are operating under the knowledge that this is a rapidly-evolving situation, and even further changes to our academic program may be necessary as the situation continues to unfold.

We are committed is to the health and safety of our community. In the spirit of non sibi, we are also guided by our responsibilities to our communities, local and global, to help manage this unprecedented public health situation. We have cancelled most of our spring break international and domestic travel programs, the spring term Washington Intern Program, and Experience Exeter revisit days. Business travel by academy employees is being restricted. We do not underestimate the significant impact all of these decisions have on the normal functioning of our school, nor the challenges that this unexpected shift in timing presents for all.

We will conduct classes online beginning on Thursday March 26th. Faculty will use the period from the 23rd through the 25th to prepare for remote instruction. We will conduct classes solely by remote instruction through April 10th. Students should plan to return on Monday April 13th. Face-to-face classes will begin on April 14th. All students will remain off campus before April 13th. Teachers will be prepared to continue online instruction for students unable to return to campus.

We are aware that this places a particular burden on international families, and we are considering alternative plans to assist international students who are unable to return home. Families in this situation should be in touch with us (here) so we can work together on the best solution for your child. Some international families whose children have remained in the United States during this anticipated two-week spring break may decide that they want to bring their child home at this time. We understand and support that choice, and also remind you that if you return to the USA from a country with a CDC level 2 or 3 COVID-19 advisory you will be required to self-isolate for 14 days before returning to campus.

Considerable adjustments to our syllabi and pedagogy will be implemented at this time. We will communicate the schedule, which will accommodate both synchronous and asynchronous learning, once it is finalized. We acknowledge that we cannot duplicate the classroom experience with this plan, but departments began to prepare for this contingency during winter term.

Now more than ever, we must do all we can to protect the vulnerable among us, to retain our sense of community despite our need to physically separate, and to adapt nimbly in order to care for and educate our students.

Sincerely yours,

William K. Rawson ’71; P’08


Answers to a few questions:

Q: What if a student does not have access to high-speed internet during the period of online instruction?

A: The School is committed to helping such students access remote learning. Please send an email to ncov@exeter.edu with the subject line: “Internet Access.”

Q: What are the requirements for students to return to campus? A: Students:

· must be asymptomatic and without a fever. Students with respiratory symptoms should contact the health center before return.

· who have traveled to any international areas designated by the CDC with a level 2 or 3 COVID-19 travel advisory within the last 14 days must remain off campus in the USA.

· must not have traveled on a cruise ship within the last 14 days.

· must not have come into contact with a person being tested for or diagnosed with COVID-19 within the 14 days prior to return on campus.

Q: What about extracurricular activities, athletics, clubs and arts? A: We hope that we can resume these activities as soon as possible. Activities that require physical presence, such as athletic practices and contests, will not resume in any form until students return to campus, and additional restrictions may be necessary at that time. All athletic contests scheduled prior to April 18th will be cancelled.

Q: What about courses that are hard to replicate in an online environment?

A: Teachers will work very hard to make necessary adjustments to these courses and to create an enriching learning experience during this period of remote study.

Q: This decision raises many questions and presents many challenges. Where should I direct my questions and concerns?

A: Please send your questions to ncov@exeter.edu. We will strive to answer common questions in subsequent communications and individual questions by email response.

Q: What if my student would like access to belongings in their dorm rooms?

A: Online instruction will be designed with the understanding that students do not have access to their belongings in their dorm rooms. For other requests, please contact ncov@exeter.edu.


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