Rawson Responds to COVID-19: Alumni and Friends

This letter was sent to Exeter alumni and friends on March 13, 2020, by Principal William Rawson. Find statement below.

Dear Exeter alumni and friends,

I am writing to let you know about decisions we have made in recent days and hours in response to the COVID-19 public health crisis.

We are committed to the health and safety of our school community, all its members, and their loved ones. We also are determined to do all we can to minimize the burden on our local healthcare professionals, and are mindful of our responsibilities to our communities–local, national, and global–to help manage this extraordinary public health crisis. Academy leaders are monitoring national and international developments and working around the clock, along with the trustees, to determine how best to meet our educational objectives while protecting our students, employees, alumni, families and friends.

We have made a number of changes related to the opening of spring term, visitors and events on campus, and business travel for our employees. In making these decisions, we recognize that this is a rapidly-changing situation, and further changes to the normal functioning of our school may be necessary.

Spring Term:

  • We cancelled most of our spring break international and domestic travel programs, the spring term Washington Intern Program, and Experience Exeter revisit days.

  • Students will be on extended break March 23-25. We will conduct online classes from March 26 through April 10. Activities that require physical presence, such as athletic practices and contests, will not resume in any form until students return to campus, and additional restrictions may be necessary at that time.

  • Asymptomatic low-risk students are currently scheduled to return to campus on April 13.

  • Classes are currently scheduled to resume in full on Tuesday, April 14.

We are concerned about the particular burden these decisions place on international families, and are considering alternative plans to assist international students who are unable to return home. We are equally concerned that many students and families might need particular support with internet access or in other ways to make online learning effective, and we will work with students and their families to provide that support.

Employee Travel and Alumni Events:

  • All international travel and all domestic business travel by public transportation has been suspended until April 30.

  • We are implementing mandatory telecommuting for employees who can work remotely starting on Monday, March 16.

  • We have cancelled or postponed most Exeter-organized events off-campus through April 30. Please refer to www.exeter.edu/alumnievents for additional information.

Many of you have asked about reunions scheduled for May. We are not in a position today to make decisions about those reunions, but we will do our best to make decisions well in advance of the scheduled dates. If reunions cannot be held as scheduled, they will be held at a later date.

At this time, we are acutely aware of our duty to do all we can to minimize community spread for the state of New Hampshire, for our country, and for the world. We value your understanding, support and patience as we continue to assess the situation and make these difficult decisions.

Our hearts go out to all families across the country and around the world who are directly affected by the pandemic.

As we are forced by circumstances to find new ways to connect with one another, those connections feel more important than ever. Thank you for all you do to keep our global Exeter community strong, and for your support and understanding during this challenging time.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of our administrative leadership team.

Sincerely yours,

Bill Rawson ’71; P’08



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