Moriarty Unveils a New Spring Term Schedule

Dean of Students Brook Moriarty released the following statement to the Exeter community on Mar. 18, 2020, announcing the logistics of a digital Spring Term. Please read below.

Dear Students –


Please consider this message a virtual care package of sorts as you absorb the news about spring term. You and your families have many questions about the uncharted waters we have entered as a community in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.  We want to recognize the strain families are feeling and to note that the outbreak affects us all in many seen and unseen ways. These uncertain times weigh heavily on our minds and hearts, and it is essential that we take good care of each other. Below, I will address some of the questions you may have now, and will continue to share information as we put more detailed plans in place.


We are committed to living our values: youth from every quarter; knowledge and goodness; and inclusive excellence, throughout the school. We must continue to prioritize facts over fear. We each have a responsibility to learn the facts about how to stay healthy and to dismantle myths and stigmas that come from misinformation or xenophobia. The strength of our community comes from embracing our diversity and working together to ensure that our campus is both inclusive and respectful of all persons. We also all have a civic responsibility to support public health care systems by practicing good hand-washing hygiene and social distancing at this time. We all have a role to play in “flattening the curve” of the outbreak by taking measures to minimize community spread.


We remain fully committed to you, to your growth and development, wherever you are. Please know that we stand ready to assist you. We urge you to communicate with your adviser, teachers, deans, or other adults with any questions or concerns. And we urge you to take care of yourselves and look out for the well-being of your peers as we move forward with this shared venture. Be kind. Be respectful. Be patient with others and with yourselves. Use the many resources at your disposal.




Brooks Moriarty

Dean of Students



More Information


Term grades

Having carefully considered the consequences of using our standard grading system at this time, we have decided that all courses will be graded on a pass/no-pass basis for the spring term.


Belongings in dorms

In the coming days we will develop a system for making sure you have your belongings. We ask for your patience as we develop our plans. Please note that the first few weeks of online instruction will not require access to any course materials you may have in your rooms. Students may not come to campus until we have a system in place for collection of belongings. If you need medication, a passport, or another essential item, please contact the dean of students office at and we will make sure you will have what you need.


Internet Access

We are helping support families with internet access and ask that if you have specific questions or concerns about that to please send an email to with the subject line “Internet Access.”



We have built two advising periods into the online schedule (see below). Advisers will continue to serve as the primary support person for students and families in navigating questions and concerns.


Daily schedule

The daily schedule we have designed aims to make online learning as effective and inclusive as possible for our diverse student body working from locations around the globe. As is common in online learning, the schedule maximizes student and teacher flexibility, student independence, and opportunities for one-on-one student-teacher engagement.


Our attendance policy recognizes that students live in time zones across the globe, and we know that students may not be able to be present at all of the class meeting times listed above. Students are required to have three “touchpoints” for each course per week. Each course must provide students with the following touchpoint options, any one of which will count as a touchpoint:


1.      Attendance at a class or class activity that takes place during the scheduled class time (e.g. a class discussion; paired or small group work; peer editing; an activity that involves students working together).

2.      A conference with a teacher (phone, FaceTime, Skype, Canvas)

3.      Engagement with or contribution to a class activity at a time of the student’s choice, other than the scheduled class time.


Homework guidelines

To allow time for adjustment to online teaching and learning, in the first two weeks of the term each online course may require up to three hours of homework per week, one hour per class meeting. Thereafter, each online course may require up to four hours of homework per week, an hour and 20 minutes per class. Submission of homework is not considered a touchpoint.


Office hours and extra help

Office hours are designed to help students connect with teachers for extra help. The schedule contains three “office hours” blocks when faculty are required to be available online. Office hours can be used to “meet” with students individually or in small groups. Faculty may “meet” with students outside of office hours if the time is mutually agreed upon. Our learning specialist, Mr. Nydick, is also available to help via office hours throughout the school day.


Textbooks and course materials

We are working on solutions regarding textbooks and other materials. We recognize that students left books and textbooks on campus, so we will ensure that students have the course materials that they need. For the first two weeks of online classes, all course materials will be provided online. Stay tuned for more information on this topic.


Library resources

The Academy’s librarians are well prepared to help students find materials that they need for their research, for classes and for relaxation.  The library subscribes to many online databases that can be found on the library’s webpage. Students should feel free to contact the library for support finding the materials they are seeking.


Student Health and Wellbeing

Please keep an eye out for communications from our Counseling and Psychological Services and from the Lamont Health and Wellness Center regarding student support this term.


Student Life - Social connection

It is vital that we stay connected to each other. We will share updates and news regularly in Canvas and via email. We are looking for ways in which some of our best campus practices – inspired speakers, meditations, club and affinity group meetings – may continue online. OMA, Student Activities, and ESSO are all thinking about ways to keep us connected and engaged. We will have times together to learn, connect, and have fun.


Of course, our school rules and expectations remain in effect. Now, more than ever, our behavior both online and offline must bring out our best selves. Our daily actions and interactions must reflect our community values.


Religious and Spiritual Life

Spiritual health and staying connected to our on campus communities is an important piece of wellness while at home.  Religious and Spiritual Life will be offering online office hours for students to connect with our faculty and staff, and exploring different ways of being in community together while we are apart. We are also working with other departments on campus to offer different kinds of practices for grounding and centering, and an online version of the senior meditation program.


Exeter Community Adjusts to Online Learning


Rawson Announces Online Classes for the Full Duration of Spring Term