Dean of Students Ashley Taylor Highlights Senior Voices at Assembly
Amélie Hespel / The Exonian
On Oct. 1, new Dean of Students Ashley Taylor hosted the Dean of Students Assembly, inviting student speakers onto the stage to speak about adjusting to campus life. The assembly also featured a handful of students who submitted shout-outs to other students before the assembly.
A few seniors took the stage to describe the importance of student wellness, especially during the transitionary period between summer break and on-campus life. They described the process of adjusting to campus, feelings of culture shock, mental isolation, and eventual acceptance. Members of the school administration also discussed important topics about campus life, such as assembly and path etiquette. Before the assembly, the Dean of Students office sent out a form where students could write “Gratitude Grams” to members of the Academy community. A handful of those students were then randomly selected to present their compliments on stage. Principal William Rawson closed out the assembly by reminding students of the Academy’s yearly ice cream tradition.
“If you ever see the principal cross the street and not wave to the cars, everybody gets ice cream,” Rawson promised.
Students loved the assembly’s relatable message, as well as the shoutouts at the end. “I loved the message that they spread. It was very relatable to how I came to Exeter,” upper Christian Salaun said. “I think it’s very good for new students to learn about what everyone went through. They discussed mental isolation, which is something I went through.”
The presenters referred to campus adjustment as a roller coaster of emotions—in other words, a “W curve.” This description resonated with upper Cecily Reed’s peers. “I was hearing all these people around me talk about what they were going through,” she said. “I thought that was really inspirational for the new students, at least in my advisory.”
One of the senior presenters, Altan Unver, emphasized the Academy’s supportive community. “Every student is welcome at Exeter,” he said. “They just need to take the time to get used to it.”
New students mentioned relating to the description of adjusting to Exeter. Prep Milan Shah described, “I really enjoyed the part about the different transition stages. I feel like that’s really aligned with my experience so far; I feel like I’ve been through a couple of those [transition stages].”
New lower Michelle Choo conveyed a similar sentiment. “The W chart made me feel seen and heard, and I think it really helped me realize that I’m not alone in this.”
Prep Ajay Gundlapali found the mentions of the various support systems for new students compelling. “I thought it was great how the presenting students were able to thank the organizations and people on campus that helped them along their adjustment journey,” Gundlapali said.
He added, “It allowed me to understand how getting used to Exeter is going to be going forward, and how to make it as easy as possible.”
One of the assembly’s topics, campus etiquette, struck a chord with prep William Shu. “I think the proper etiquette for assemblies and the crosswalks was good information for new preps,” he said.
The assembly was a significant contrast in tone from the previous assemblies. “This assembly was a great way to deviate from the typical assembly by listening to other students spread kindness and positivity,” upper Albert Zhu said. “I think it should happen at least once a month or term.”
However, lower Victor Angeline saw the assembly less positively. “The Dean of Students assembly was really useless for people who are returning. It was a waste of my time,” he said. “The topics were relatable, but that didn’t mean I needed to hear it.”
Nevertheless, the vast majority of students enjoyed both the presentation and Gratitude Gram features. Upper Kyle Kennedy’s, who presented a Gratitude Gram, described, “I’m glad we were able to do the student shout-outs. It was a great way to show gratitude and it’s a great way to build community.”
Prep Alex Luo, who also shared a shout-out, stressed the importance of giving gratitude in general. “I thought it was very cool for students to have the opportunity to give compliments,” he said. “Imagine being on the receiving end of a compliment, and knowing that the nice things you did are recognized. I think it might motivate everyone to do acts of kindness.”
Shah mentioned a particularly memorable Gratitude Gram. “I really appreciate Gavin Lyle’s Gratitude Gram,” he said. “ I thought the energy he brought to his compliment really brought energy to everybody else as well.”
The seniors concluded their presentation on the W curve with a heartwarming message. “Help is always available,” they shared. “You’re never alone. There’s so much to help you guide you guys on your journey and so many resources—whether that’s dorms, clubs, or teachers. Everyone is here to help. If you are struggling, know that you can go to one of these people.”