Class of 2028 Holds Prep Representative Election


As the class of ‘28 embarks on their journey at Exeter, they have recently selected their class representatives for the upcoming two terms. Following a competitive process of over forty participants, countless signatures, and 20 final candidates, Faye Yang, Lily-Bee Butler, and Emre Oklu were appointed as the Prep Representatives of their class. The Prep Rep election process is one of the most competitive of the year, with candidates campaigning on a wide range of issues they hope to resolve on campus. From allowing math test retakes to promising a more eco-friendly campus, candidates presented their final visions to their peers through a 150-word statement and an Instagram post on the student council account.

On the morning of Oct. 2, all of the 226 preps on campus received an email regarding the Prep Rep election. The lengthy email outlined the rules of the election. Soon enough, countless preps were roaming around campus desperate for prep signatures in support of their campaign. When asked about how the process of collecting signatures around campus was, Prep Rep candidate Arisa Yoshino said, “I think most people were really supportive about it and really positive. Even the people who I didn’t know when asked for prep rep signatures, were really nice about it.” 

The candidates were required to collect 150 signatures, a third of the class population, on a sheet of paper. After a few days, the Student Council Election Committee Coheads, Ethan Benenson and Alex Trotman confirmed all the signatures and announced the twenty candidates who successfully collected the required amount of signatures. Trotman explained that “[He] and Ethan started planning the election last spring. This year, [they] talked throughout the fall, and during election week, [they] met as a committee to count the votes.” Both Benenson and Trotman really enjoy their roles in Student Council. 

“It feels good to be a leader in the StuCo community. I’ve been a member since my prep year, and it is very nice to be in this position after years of hard work,” said Trotman. 

Overall, the whole election process was enjoyable and extremely well-organized, and some of the candidates expressed their favorite aspects of it. “My favorite part about the campaigning process was seeing the people around me succeed with me,” said prep Avni Murarka. “I remember when I was at the StuCo meeting where they announced the candidates. I was sitting with all of [the other Prep Rep candidates] in a line because we all kind of knew each other. Then when I saw our names on the board, it was really great to be part of everyone succeeding and being really happy. That was a very nice moment.” 

Another candidate, Trinity Donkor shared, “My favorite part was definitely making the posters myself because that was the one creative part of the process that was really fun.” 

Eight days after the initial information regarding the Prep Rep election was distributed, an email with the voting form was sent out to the class of ‘28 to rank their Prep Rep candidates. Conversations in EPAC, across the Harkness table, and in the Forum during clubs were filled with talk about who everyone voted for. Almost exactly 12 hours after the voting form was released, Benenson and Trotman announced the three elected Prep Reps: Faye Yang, Lily-Bee Butler, and Emre Oklu. 

Countless classmates, students, and fellow candidates expressed their support for the newly elected Prep Reps. “[At the beginning of the election process, ] I thought that whoever would be elected for Prep Rep would be a great representative for the grade, and that was how the election resulted. I think the people who got Prep Rep really deserve the position,” Yoshino expressed in support. 

Prep and candidate Levi Stoll thanked the fabulous Student Council Elections Committee, saying, “Kudos to the election committee. I think they did a great job, and I’m excited to see what Student Council is going to do this year.” 

As advice for younger classmen looking to get into Phillips Exeter’s passionate Student Council, Benenson remarked, “The great thing about StuCo is that it’s open for anyone. Tuesdays at 8 to 9 p.m. Anyone can come, and you can join a committee, even if you’re not a voting member. It’s a lot of fun.” 

Every academic year, as the summer turns to fall, all the preps prepare and anticipate the Prep Rep Election, their introduction to Exeter’s Student Council system. This year, being one of the most competitive years, put a great number of campaigns to the test. The 20 candidates competed against each other for the three highly coveted Prep Rep spots. After weeks of preparation and earning the votes of their peers, Yang, Butler, and Oklu have been selected. With countless supportive classmates and students and a future full of possibilities, the Prep Reps are ready to take on anything and eager to unite the class of ‘28.


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