This is 18: PEA Seniors Share Experiences

Lottery tickets, tattoos and voting ballots. The 18th year, the legal milestone so glamorized by coming-of-age novels, surely comes with new freedoms and responsibilities. 18-year-old Exonians stand at the crossroads of childhood and adulthood—freighted with experience—and look forward to the journeys ahead.

On October 14, The New York Times posed the question, “What does life look like for 18-year-olds in 2018?” The piece, centered around young women across the globe, prompted The Exonian to question what life looks like for Exeter’s 18-year-olds.

On October 14, The New York Times posed the question, “What does life look like for 18-year-olds in 2018?” The piece, centered around young women across the globe, prompted The Exonian to question what life looks like for Exeter’s 18-year-olds.

Although the interviewees have distinct personalities, the students expressed similar perspectives on their passage to adulthood. Many mentioned that they did not feel particularly different since turning 18. Although there were some rites of passage they were excited to complete now that they were legal adults (senior Jane Collins named voting as one), for the most part the only difference they noted was a solidified position as a role model for others on campus.

18-year-old Exonians shared their favorite slang, what they eat for breakfast and the last music they listened to.


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