Student Council Turns Over Executive Board

Exonians flocked to poll booths in Agora to elect a new Student Council Executive Board on Feb. 27, with a voter turnout of about 350 students. Upper Elizabeth Yang won the presidential vote, beating out upper Mark Blekherman in the runoff election. Lower Thomas Wang lost against upper Michaela Phan for vice president, while lowers Audrey Vanderslice and Ayush Noori beat lowers David Kim and Billy Menken for the two co-secretary positions.

For the first time in years, students voted during the winter, rather than at the end of the year. The change was intended to allow more time for the new board to settle into their role. For Yang, the innovation was positive, as it “helps incoming boards gain footing during spring term, which can be beneficial.” 

Many of the Executive Board members already know each other from past Student Council operations. “I am delighted to be working alongside Michaela because we have been co-secretaries together for the past year. With our experience working together and being on the current board, we can hit the ground running this spring term,” Yang said. “Even before the election, Michaela, Audrey and Ayush were my close friends. I know how hardworking and dedicated each of them are.”

The newly chosen board will start initiating its proposals. As president, Yang hopes to implement Lion Card compatibility with local businesses, reform the schedule and change Academy Life Day (ALD).

“Reshaping ALD to involve dorm bonding as well as critical campus conversations and holding workshops in the fall for student leaders will foster inclusive, respectful discussions,” she said. Yang also spoke about increasing student involvement with strategic planning. “Strategic planning continues to be quite a mystery for the student body because we are not invited to meetings nor informed about what work is being done.”

In her election materials, Phan wrote that she wanted to implement a “community listen tour” in the months to come. Noori also emphasized the need to listen to Exonians. “My top priority as co-secretary will be to increase the representation of the student body in StuCo, to respond to student voices and to take action on student concerns, with feedback from the various clubs and groups on campus,” he said.

Yang is optimistic for the new board’s tenure. “Zooming out a bit, the next year of Student Council will not be able to solve all these ingrained problems on campus, but I hope that we will initiate action so that our institution can tangibly step closer to our ideals of inclusivity, equity and diversity,” Yang said.


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