Student Quote Box: The Ideal Visitations Policy
"I hope that the new V's policy would be aware of all students and their needs but not too liberal that it would become unsafe...a system that would extend Vs hours throughout the day without being too taxing on faculty."
- Upper Jeremy Xiu
“I would change the times, so you would have longer [V’s hours] during the day, not just [starting] at 7 or 8 p.m.”
- Senior Jackie Brenner
“I personally really like how liberal the hours are for visitations and how a more concrete punishment has been established for illegal visitations in the new [proposed] additions to the V's policy.”
- Senior Jack Baker
“I’m a proponent of a graduated system for the V's policy. Seniors can have open visitations while the dorms are open while preps should have the current policy.”
- Senior Aiden Roberts
“Anyone should be able to be in anyone’s room at anytime. I could be more bold, but I don’t want to get too deep.”
- Prep Alexander Knopp
“In a world where everyone understood consent and its implication, I would want to have a completely open closed-door V's policy. However, given that we don't live in a perfect world, I know that the school should take certain precautions to ensure the safety of its students that I definitely respect and support... I like the previously suggested idea of 10:45 a.m. to check in V's with a sign in sheet so that faculty can keep track of students.”
- Upper Hanna Pak
“In general I support policies that put more emphasis on transparency and honesty with reasonable restrictions, like leaving the door open between certain hours etc.”
- Upper Mary Provencal-Fogarty
“I think the V's policy needs to be more inclusive with day students, continuing the conversation already in place with dorm affiliations as well as expanding beyond that”
- Senior Nick Song