Cai and Manken ’20 Elected As Prep Reps; Tie Results for Third

Preps Benjamin Cai and William Menken were elected this Tuesday to represent the class of 2020 in Student Council (StuCo). Three other preps, Mai Hoang, Samuel Lew and Ayush Noori, were tied in votes for the third position. A run-off election will be held today from 10:10 a.m. to 7 p.m. to determine the final representative of the prep class. Sixty-eight percent of the prep class voted in the election, which followed a week of campaigning on the part of the candidates.

Cai was elated upon learning of his election, as he is now “one step closer to contributing to the Exonian society and addressing the various issues within the community.” He stated gratitude toward the prep class. “I’d like to thank the Class of 2020 for electing me,” Cai said.

“The week prior to Election Day, it became clear that they had the strongest support.”

Cai was also enthusiastic about collaborating with Menken to advocate for the prep class.

Like Cai, Menken was appreciative of the support from his classmates. “I’m thrilled to be a prep rep. Thank you class of 2020!” he said.

As prep rep, Cai hopes to “voice the concerns of the prep community” and create activities to “help preps transition into the Exeter community and/or foster the connections within the class of 2020.” One of his ideas includes a referendum or suggestion box to allow preps to present ideas for new policies.

While the school already has some policies to ease the transition to Exeter, Cai hopes to institute further systems. “The activities that I have suggested are designed to help the prep community develop relations with each other, the other grades and the town of Exeter,” he said.

Menken would like to address other issues—alienation of preps, changes in Evening Prayer, indifference toward StuCo and general student stress. He intends to do so through his role in StuCo.

“Our school deserves a forum where representative students can discuss school policy and take initiatives,” he said.

Those who have advanced to the run-off election expressed gratitude at still being in the running, and an intention to further prove themselves to their peers. “It was great to hear that I was still in it, and relieving that at least I still have a chance to become class of 2020’s prep rep,” Lew said.

Noori expressed some frustration at the outcome but was also happy to remain a potential representative. “While of course disappointed that I did not secure a position as prep rep, I am delighted to still have the opportunity to represent my class.”

Lew intended on reaching out to members of his class as part of his election efforts. “I still need to meet all my new prep peers … I hope that if there are any preps unknown to me I get to meet them,” he said. He went on to explain that meeting every prep was crucial to his ability to advocate for his class. He said, “Everyone is important in our class of 2020.”

Noori also outlined his plan leading up to the election. “I will reiterate my campaign message, vast experience and firm goals, and encourage my peers to make the right choice on election day,” he said.

Prep Nick Schwartz felt that Cai and Menken’s election was expected due to the reaction the prep class had to their campaigning efforts. “The week prior to Election Day, it became clear that they had the strongest support,” Schwartz said.

Some members of the class of 2020 felt that the election was based purely off of popularity, rather than the merits of the candidates. “It’s a popularity contest, and prep rep elections are all about campaigning. Popularity and campaigning determine the outcome,” said prep Kaleb Washington.

Others disagreed, and expressed that they had voted off of the merits of each candidate’s plans. “Given that I didn't have much experience with each candidate, I voted for whoever I thought had the best candidate statement,” prep Shaad Khalil said. “I took into account who was the most realistic.”

The preps are eagerly awaiting the announcement of the third representative, to round out their contingent in StuCo.

“I am eager to find out who will be the third prep rep,” prep Andrew Sun said.


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