Administration Selects Ethan Shapiro as New Dean of Faculty

Now in his 27th year at Exeter, Ethan Shapiro was appointed to the role of dean of faculty yesterday by Principal Tom Hassan. Shapiro has served as instructor in Russian and history, associate dean of students, dean of students and, most recently, director of Summer School.

Shapiro will begin his duties after current Dean of Faculty Ronald Kim moves on to the position of interim principal following Hassan’s departure this summer.

Religion department chair Peter Vorkink described the role of a dean of faculty as a multifaceted position. The dean of faculty must wear “many hats, including being the chief cheerleader for the faculty.” The dean of faculty additionally must not only “try to bring out the very best in a diverse group of 175 teachers [and] assist the entire administrative team in setting short and long-term policy for the school, but also manage a host of day-to-day activities.”

Science instructor Tatiana Waterman expanded on Vorkink’s description of a dean of faculty. “Qualities I look for are: transparency in decision making, knowledge of our school, as well as vision and leadership so that our school will keep its good place in the education field,” Waterman said.

“He’s got a lot of experience. He’s very knowledgable about the school, and he’s very smart and organized.”

Hassan worked with a committee of history instructors Eric Wade and Vorkink and English instructor Ellen Wolff to interview the candidates. Shapiro’s application was considered alongside those of two other finalists: mathematics instructor Laura Marshall and English instructor Becky Moore. In an email on Wednesday evening, Hassan praised the qualities of all three but said that Shapiro best represented “what the Academy needs most in our next dean of faculty during this time of leadership transition.”

Waterman supported Hassan’s comment, adding that Shapiro fit both her criteria as well as the needs of the school. “Mr. Shapiro has a long track record of doing and delivering all of the above in his various roles so far,” she said.

“To be in a position where you are responsible for some aspect of the school is the most interesting thing for me,” Shapiro said. He added that he was approached by teachers and administrators on campus who thought he would fit well in the position.

Kim voiced his approval of Shapiro as his successor. “He’s got a lot of experience. He’s very knowledgable about the school, and he’s very smart and organized.”

All dean positions are determined by a process of nominations and transparent discussion. Any prospective faculty members may put forth their names or the names of those they wish to nominate for the five-year position. Once the list of candidates is shared with the faculty, the principal asks for any input from the rest of the faculty and uses it to help make the final decision.

Kim was happy with the choice on a personal and professional level and said that the two have shared common experiences through dorm duty, coaching and teaching. “I know Ethan Shapiro well, and I think he will do a great job,” Kim said.

Shapiro emphasized that he is honored to accept his new position and is excited to take on the responsibility that accompanies such an instrumental role on campus.

“I think the dean of students and the dean of faculty are often talking about issues because, at the end of the day, we are a school,” Shapiro said. ‘And kids, parents, faculty—those are the core of what deans of students and faculty deal with on a daily basis. I think I gained an appreciation for the kind of stuff that goes on there.”


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