Trustees Convene on Campus to Discuss the School Year Ahead

With a busy year ahead of them, the Academy’s trustees convened on campus last week to discuss both short and long-range plans, including plans for a new performing arts center, a renovation for Thompson Gym and the ongoing principal search. The trustees also welcomed two new members: Deidre O’Byrne, Class of ‘84, and Mitch Bradbury, Class of ‘78.

"We have very, very full schedules for three days," Hutton said.

"We start with committee meetings and special functions on Wednesday, and then we have dinner together on Wednesday evening. We have sessions on Thursday and Friday, with dinner on Thursday featuring different gatherings each meeting, and dinner on Friday at Saltonstall House."

Among the most important issue on the trustees agenda was the search for the new principal of the Academy.

"We spent considerable time discussing progress by the Principal Search Committee," Hutton said. "Unquestionably, the most critical goal is to locate and hire the next great principal of PEA." PEA Principal Tom Hassan announced his retirement in July.

Members of the Principal Search Committee presented the information gathered in listening meetings held on and off campus, and shared the qualities that constituents want to see in the fifteenth principal of the Academy. While Hutton didn’t reveal specifics of their report, he said that he was "encouraged" by the progress so far.

In an email, Principal Tom Hassan said that in addition to the trustees, "[t]he entire committee continues to work closely with the search consultants to find candidates best suited to lead the Academy based on the candidate profile."

In addition to the search, the trustees agreed that to support the new principal, Dean of Faculty Ron Kim will take up the role as assistant principal next year for a one-year appointment. At the end of this school year the new principal will decide whether or not to keep this position, and, if kept, what shape it will take.

Hassan said that he will search for a new dean of faculty who will serve for the usual five-year rotation to replace Kim.

In addition to the two new members, the trustees announced that the current trustee president, Tom Hutton ‘73, will step down at the end of this school year after six years of service as the president of the trustees.

The trustees have also chosen the new president and vice president of the trustees, and in their meeting in May, they will officially elect Nicie Johnson Panetta, ‘84, as the new president of the trustees—the first alumna to hold this role—and Marc de la Bruyère, ’77, as the vice president.

During their meetings, the trustees discussed a variety of issues, such as planning facilities, outlining budget expenditure, assessing investments and fundraising and working on the transition of a new principal. But before engaging in official business, they started out by welcoming the new Trustees.

"We hold an indoctrination session for any new trustees, prior to the meetings," Hutton said.

Then the rest of Wednesday was spent in meetings with principal staff members. Additionally, one or more trustees participate in a "Day in the Life" session with a faculty member, where the trustee can shadow him or her for the day.

On Thursday and Friday, Principal Hassan updated the other trustees on campus issues, summer activities and general campus life. They also discussed the committee’s work and future projects, such as buildings and ground renovations schedule in coming months, and budget and finance, including the results from the previous year, expectations for the current year and a draft of the budget for the next year.

In addition, the trustees reviewed their recent yields in Academy investments and debated future investment changes, listened to reports from the College Counseling Office and the Dean of Students, and appraised the progress on fundraising for the Academy.

After examining these topics, the trustees proceeded to hold sessions with faculty and staff committees or leaders to hear updates on and discuss matters such as strategic planning, information technology and admissions.

Fundraising has been an essential goal recently, required to fund various Academy facilities that will soon be renovated. This spring, the construction of a new fitness center in Thompson Gym will begin, and plans for a second synthetic turf field are in their final stages of authorization.

In addition to sporting facilities, planning and fundraising projects in the performing arts, such as an addition to the music building that will include a large recital hall, have been a priority.

The trustees also agreed on architects Tod Williams and Billie Tsien to plan the new theater and dance building that will be located adjacent to Love Gym on the current site of the tennis courts.

After another successful trip to the Academy, the trustees left pleased with the progress Exeter has made in its various endeavors. Also, in addition to their hard work, the trustees found time to dine with academic department heads and members of the Strategic Planning Committee, eat breakfast with leaders of student groups and attend both Meditation and the John Phillips Award Assembly.

"The trustees were grateful for the warm welcome extended to them during their visit and look forward to their next campus meeting in January," Hassan said.



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