Hassan Plans Service Program

After a summer of planning and preparing, Principal Tom Hassan, staff members of Exeter’s Social Service Organization (ESSO) and the Human Resources department has created more service opportunities for the Exeter community on Wednesday afternoons and weekends.While organizers are still discussing logistics, a concrete project outline will be shared with the community in upcoming weeks. Hassan said he hopes the project will forge connections among students, faculty and staff. He also encouraged students to participate in the projects voluntarily, so that “once people choose, they’ll have something they’re really excited about doing.”Additionally, Hassan foresees the projects bringing together people who share a common interest. He also hopes all members of the Academy community would recognize the presence of greater community circles outside the Exeter bubble.“You can connect with each other and get to know each other, and also connect with and be a part of the community outside of this campus bubble, and that should feel seamless,” Hassan said.“Whatever ways that we can bridge that are very important and good for the school and the town.”In the past, the Academy dedicated one day called Environmental Day or Community Action Day out of the school year for environmental education. However, the Environmental Day’s initial aim of environmental education was not met, and students ended up instead focusing on small, task-based projects that helped clean up the campus.After administrative consideration, the day expanded to benefit the surrounding community by adding a service component. However, throughout its eight years in operation, organizing Community Action Day became increasingly difficult.“We were trying to find projects for more than 1000 students on one day in one area, every year,” Hassan said. “Logistically, it was very challenging.”Because the organization and preparation for the Community Action Day gradually became so complex, many wondered if one day of community service really warranted the extensive planning. But setting aside service work from the Exeter community was never a part of Hassan’s hopes for the Academy and its mission: he wanted to create a concrete project outline that would construct connections between the Academy community members and foster a sense of community,“One thing I’ve really worked hard at here is connectedness,” Hassan said.“There is a large community here, and it’s hard to make all those fit, and I think we’re a stronger community with those connections.”


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