Dayal, Lui, Sanson to Represent Class of 2018 in Student Council

Arielle Lui, Pradyumn Dayal and Pedro Sanson won Tuesday’s election for this year’s prep representatives.Preps casted their votes for their top three candidates Tuesday afternoon and evening in Agora. In total, ten nominees vied for the three prep representative positions. Lui, Dayal and Sanson collected the most votes during the election and will represent and serve the prep class for the 2014-2015 school year.Lui, Dayal and Sanson compose a diverse team for the prep class. Dayal and Sanson are both international students, from Hong Kong and Brazil, respectively. Lui is the first female since 2011 to be elected as prep rep.Student Council adviser and health instructor Carol Cahalane appreciates the prep representatives’ enthusiasm for the upcoming year."You can say that I’m excited to see so much interest among our ninth grade students to get involved and make a difference. We are looking forward to the ideas, perspective and energy they will bring to Student Council’s work."After collecting 75 signatures from their peers, Lui, Dayal and Sanson, campaigned through various ways. Dayal described his campaign method. “I made my intentions to run clear from the start of the signing period so people were aware I was running. I didn't intend this to happen but I ended up making friends with a lot of different groups of people, I didn't spend all my time in one social circle. This meant I had more people willing to vote for me.”Lui, Dayal and Sanson reached out to their fellow preps and explained why they were the best candidates for prep rep. All three have had previous experience in student council at their former schools. Lui served as class rep in sixth and seventh grade and the class president in eighth grade. Dayal was class president one year and secretary of the Student Council the next and similarly, Sanson was a Student Council representative and head of his school’s green council.The three not only have experience but also have the attributes of a good leader. “I thought I would be a good candidate because I am not afraid to talk to all types of kids and hear what they think,” Lui said. “I am also good at staying on top of things and being organized.”Many preps are confident in Lui, Dayal and Sanson because of the versatility of the trio.“I heard a lot of people mentioning that they would vote for Pedro, Arielle and Pradyum, however not all of those three combined. I find the combination of people chosen interesting mainly because they all seem to be different in certain aspects, which I think is definitely a positive aspect especially when generating ideas,” prep Lauren Maguire said.As a female, Lui was initially discouraged by some upperclassmen from running. Despite this, Lui decided to still run. When the results were announced Tuesday night at the Student Council meeting, Lui was surprised and excited.Dayal shared Lui’s feelings, acknowledging that many strong candidates ran. “Honestly, I was really surprised to hear I had won. There were so many great candidates that it was near impossible to predict who would make it and who wouldn't.”Lui, Dayal and Sanson all have many ideas to make the prep year memorable. Lui wants to create stronger bonds between the prep class by holding more class events. “The project I really want to jump on right now would be to help the class get to know each other. We have been here for a month, and the kids I've talked to feel as if they haven't really met most of the grade. We could have a mixer or a class party that all the kids can go to and meet the rest of the grade.”Lui has big plans for networking among the prep class. “Later in the year I want to plan a class trip to Boston on a Saturday when we don't have classes or a Sunday,” she said.Likewise, Sanson hope to work on class dynamics. “The changes I want to make for this year is to create more prep events and be able to hear more from the all of the preps through surveys, suggestion boxes and with that information have more margin to change what the whole prep year wants to be different,” he said.Fellow preps expressed their strong belief in their newly elected prep representatives. Prep Winslow McDonald said, “I think they all seem well-qualified, and I respect the fact that they, as well as the other seven candidates, took such a risk. I am looking forward to the events that they have planned, and earnestly hope that they represent our class well.”


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