Ten Preps to Run for Student Council Class Representative Position

During this Tuesday’s Student Council meeting, ten nominees were announced for the position of prep class representative. Candidates Jamie Cassidy, Pradyumn Dayal, Arielle Lui, Kianan McDonald, Greg Miller, Jackson Parell, Gautam Ramesh, Pedro Sanson, Stuart Rucker and Taylor Walshe will vie for three spots, to be announced after elections Tuesday. Preps can vote in the Agora from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.Lui described her intentions for running. “I ran for prep rep because I've assumed leadership positions before, and I liked it. In middle school, I was the class representative in sixth and seventh grades and class president during eighth grade,” she said.Sanson had similar reasoning. “I ran for prep rep because in my old school, I also had some leadership positions and I wanted to continue that here at Exeter,” he said.Lui also explained her intentions of bringing the class together.“Most preps would all agree that they feel like they don't know half of the grade. If someone isn't in your class or in your dorm, you really don't have any connection to them,” she said.“I want to bring our grade together, so we can get to know each other. I would do this by planning class trips and class wide events on campus.”Nominees further commented on the responsibility of representatives to express student voice.“The position provides an opportunity for students of the prep class to voice their opinions through a representative. The duty of a prep rep is to listen to and voice the concerns of the prep class,” Parell said.“But I believe that the duty of prep rep goes beyond student council. A representative must be dedicated and caring towards his or her peers and community as well as an embodiment of democracy and excellence.”Multiple candidates remarked that they would attempt to garner this student voice and opinion through social media.“If I am elected I will create a website which I will update with issues regarding preps and ask for their feedback on the issues,” Rucker said.Miller also hopes to communicate prep issues through online media. “I hope to improve StuCo/student transparency and better communication between the two by utilizing email, Facebook, etc,” he said.Cassidy elaborated on the importance of internal class communication in addition to their relationship with the rest of the school. “I want to help create a class that has really good relations with one another and that can look to create new opportunities for students that are looking to improve in any area,” he said.The list will be narrowed down to three class reps in next Tuesday night’s StuCo meeting.Cassidy urged preps to vote, emphasizing the significant decision. “I think the prep rep has an important role in the community because they reflect the image of the class of 2018,” he said. “It is important to consider that these will be the students that are representing every student in our class.”


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