Hassan, Simpson Campaign for State Office

As November approaches, blue and red signs line New Hampshire yards, building up to the elections that will determine this year’s government officials. This year, two members of the Exeter community will be running for office. Governor Maggie Hassan, wife of Principal Thomas Hassan, is campaigning for re-election against her Republican opponent Walt Havenstein. Alexis Simpson, wife of religion instructor Thomas Simpson and board member of the state-wide organization, Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Hampshire (NOFA-NH), is campaigning to become a NH state representative. Both Gov. Hassan and
Simpson are strong female voices in American politics and have collected enough votes during the Democratic primary elections on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 to secure spots on the ballot in November.New Hampshire Governors are elected every two years with no term limit. Gov. Hassan has already served one term as New Hampshire governor.Thomas Hassan, principal of Phillips Exeter Academy and husband of Gov. Hassan, commented on Gov. Hassan’s past work, describing how she worked closely with both political parties, despite some of their differences in ideology, towards improving the community as a whole. “In politics it is sometimes hard to find common ground between parties,
but a commitment to community is something that everyone benefits from, regardless of their political views.” Mr. Hassan said. “And I believe that my wife works hard to find that common ground on all matters.”Democratic Club head and New Hampshire resident, senior Joe Platte, praised the work Hassan accomplished during her first term and asserted that he looks forwards to continued improvement in New Hampshire under her direction. “Governor Hassan has had an amazingly productive first term. Much of her first term was taken up with repairing the damage that a radical tea party legislature had done to the state from 2011 to 2013.” Platte said. “For her second term it's all about moving forward [and] continuing to invest in education, infrastructure and a 21st century economy.” Gov. Hassan plans to do just that: to keep the state moving forward by continuing to listen to the people and the businesses of New Hampshire and bringing together Democrats, Independents and Republicans in solving different problems.
“New Hampshire is moving in the right direction because we have shown time and again that we can bring people together to solve problems, and I want to continue working across party lines to support job-creation at innovative businesses, expand opportunity for middle class families and build a brighter economic future for New Hampshire,” Hassan said.Hassan and Simpson have been encouraging and supporting each other throughout their campaign processes. “I want to thank Alexis Simpson for taking on the important responsibility of running for office and I'm confident that she will be an excellent State Representative,” Hassan added.
Exeter elects four state representatives every two years with no term limit. Simpson and three other Democrats will be running as a team against four Republicans to represent Exeter in Concord, New Hampshire in the New Hampshire House of Representatives.Simpson sees that the four of them share many common values. One of their main goals this year, if they are elected, is to support New Hampshire’s middle class families. The group of four are engaging in a number of campaign activities to spread awareness of their standpoints and to give the community an opportunity to voice their opinions.“The four of us will canvass Exeter, meeting residents where they are, telling them what we stand for and asking them what issues are most important to them.” Simpson said.Simpson is particularly passionate about improving food security. “I am motivated by my belief that we need a strong, sustainable, local food economy to help all Granite Staters obtain food security, to increase the amount of food we grow for ourselves and to help reduce our negative impact on the changing climate,” she said.
During the past five years, Simpson has been engaged in advocacy for organic agriculture at the regional, state and national level. If elected, Simpson plans to continue her work on sustainable agriculture.Simpson acknowledges that there are a number of other issues in Exeter that must also be addressed.“We need to continue to seek ways to make higher education affordable for all Granite State families. We need to support children in the early years of development which have shown to be so crucial to success in the later years.” Simpson added.“We need to protect women's rights and let them make their own decisions about their reproductive health care.”Simpson and Gov. Hassan are not only both affiliated with the Academy, but are also partners as NH representatives. They are working together on a coordinated campaign, committed to advancing health care, economy and education in New Hampshire.

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