Wakeman to Receive New Responsibilities

In the wake of the departure of PEA’s CFO Chris Wejchert this spring, Principal Tom Hassan decided to restructure aspects of the position, creating a new role for Director of Facilities Management Roger Wakeman.The new position, Chief of Planning and Facilities, will include institutional planning responsibilities transferred from role of Chief Financial Officer.This change will be in effect from July 1, in response to a heightened emphasis on institutional development. Hassan worked with the trustees and an external consultant to reevaluate the position before beginning the search for a replacement, leading to the creation of the CPF role."As I was considering the position of Chief Financial Officer and in light of other issues it is clear that the Academy must increase its focus on institutional planning," Hassan said. "Thus, I have transitioned that planning role from the CFO position and strengthened it by creating the combined position of CPF. In this position, Mr. Wakeman will focus on the structure and management of the Academy’s planning efforts, which includes long range strategic planning."Wakeman expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to benefit the Academy through a position directly linked to its development. "I am very privileged to have this opportunity to this benefit institution in an expanded capacity, and look forward to the challenges and opportunities ahead," he said.Wejchert approved of the shift in duties from the CFO to the new position of CPF, and stated that it was a crucial step to maintain the sustainability of the Academy. "I think the planning process is an important one as Exeter looks to its future," he said. "By creating the combined position of Chief of Planning and Facilities, Principal Hassan has ensured that the appropriate focus will be placed on those efforts."Hassan outlined his goals for the new position in a staff-wide email sent on May 6. "Roger [Wakeman] will report directly to me and will focus on the structure and management of the Academy’s planning efforts, which includes long-range strategic planning," he said. "He will help me, the Principal’s staff, as well as Academy faculty and staff identify areas for institutional planning and ensure that our efforts are developed, coordinated and facilitated."The memo also detailed the specifics of the duties the Chief of Planning and Facilities (CPF)’s duties, such as institutional planning, facilities management and operations, and team development and leadership. Wakeman will collaborate with Hassan to analyze and develop crucial areas for institutional planning and execute planned duties, in addition to collaborating with the CFO on the budget. The new assignment will also draw on Wakeman’s previous experience in facilities management, delegating him the responsibility of overseeing planning, design and construction, operations and maintenance of the Academy’s campus."The role of the Chief of Planning and Facilities (CPF) is to provide leadership and process management of the Principal’s institutional planning efforts - in support of the Academy’s mission and the Principal’s vision. The CPF collaborates with the Principal and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to evaluate and assign resource needs to support institutional initiatives and priorities," it said. "The role of the CFO is to oversee and manage the financial, risk management and legal affairs of the Academy, and to provide leadership to assigned functional areas."Members of the Administration and faculty alike approved of the decision to hire Wakeman for the unique and challenging role of the Chief of Planning and Facilities.Hassan believes that the strength of Wakeman’s current skills will benefit his success in this new position. "Mr. Wakeman’s appointment draws on the many strengths and skills he has already exhibited in the planning and oversight of major programs and projects," he said.


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