The Exonian Reviews: The Top 5 Best Christmas Songs Of All Time


Christmas time, some might argue, produces the most musical masterpieces ever. So many different songs have been made to encapsulate the magic of Christmas and the holiday season. Some of these songs are great, and some are not so great, but a few really outshine the rest.

5. In fifth, we have a classic, “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.” This song’s positive energy and upbeat singing makes it a top holiday song to listen to. Along with this, this song has built a large legacy for itself, being around for many many years. Because of this, “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” is one of the best Christmas songs ever made.

4. In fourth, “Jingle Bell Rock” is another amazing classic. Similar to “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Trees,” this song’s upbeat undertones make it a song that everyone wants to listen to. Along with this, the simple melody of the song makes it an easy song for students to sing along to at any time of the day.

3. In third, a well known, extremely popular song that many times is able to define Christmas, “All I Want For Christmas is You.” This is one of the most popular Christmas songs ever, with its cheery and merry tune, along with its infamous high notes from Mariah Carey. It’s a song everyone knows and loves, and for this reason it is a top 3 song for Christmas.

2. In second, we have a very well known song, from a popular singer that has made many very popular Christmas songs. This song, “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” is one of the catchies Christmas songs out there. Its mix of different intstruments in the song makes it very lively and fun to listen to. Along with this, the sort of echo-like style of the song inhibits a fun way to sing it in the car, at home, or anywhere you want to.

1. For the number one song on this list, we have a song everyone knows. It has had multiple covers by different artists because of how catchy this song is. Each artist sings it in a new and creative way, bringing variety to each version you will hear. Furthermore, each lyric in this song has a strong meaning, and if you really listen to the song you can hear an amazing message that you might not be able to hear in other songs. Its incredible tune makes it a catchy, fun song to listen and to sing along to. What is this song? Well, it is the best Christmas song you could possibly have heard, “Last Christmas.”


Faculty of the Week: Ranila Haider


The Exonian Reviews: Tokyo Godfathers