Club Spotlight: Association of Low Income Exonians (ALIE)


Exonians come to Exeter from countries all around the world and on various amounts of financial aid. Many Exonians receive financial aid from Exeter, but what most Exonians don’t realize is that there’s a biweekly club called ALIE (Association for Low-Income Exonians) for financial aid and low-income students that meets in Bissell House. 

The club welcomes all low-income students searching for a space to relax, share experiences, and receive aid for the resources they need. One of the coheads, Dani Mendéz noted, “We’re just a place where low-income students can come, decompress, and get the resources that they might need.”

Upper Cindy Mumbo added, “ALIE is a club that invites all students willing to join and learn more about the resources on campus that can help them get through their time here at Exeter.”

Mendéz explained that although they are a small club, it adds to the close-knit community. “The friendships are so genuine because we are a smaller club, and you get to meet so many people that are going to be really close with you.”

Mumbo agreed, noting, “My favorite part of ALIE is the group of people we get to see every other week.”

Although a significant part of ALIE is meeting students who can relate to your financial status, it also places great emphasis on showing Exonians the resources that are available to them and aiding with all financial needs.

Méndez explained, “When people think about financial aid students or low-income students in general, they tend to think on the grand scheme of things, like paying tuition and getting books.” She added, “But there are tiny things that really matter too, like if you want to go out with your friends and get Otto over the weekend. These are still things that are also relevant to us as students.” In addition to the financial needs that most people consider, there are many more that people don’t tend to recognize.

Mumbo mentioned, “Students who want to go to E/A might not have the money to purchase Exeter gear.” To aid with this, “they have a drive where they bring lots of E/A vintage clothing so that those students can partake in traditions as well.”

In addition to helping low-income Exonians with their financial needs during club meetings, ALIE has also organized off-campus trips. Mendéz explained, “In the past, we’ve gone to Portsmouth to do an escape room, and we’ve had dinner with Principal Rawson.”

ALIE is an extremely close-knit community and supports all the financial needs of low-income Exonians. Although it’s a fairly new club that started during Covid, Mendéz expressed, “We’re getting stronger every year, and we’re holding onto new members and encouraging everybody to come.” She explained, “Even if you’re not sure that it’s something right for you, I’m sure that when you come, you’ll meet people that are friendly, and you’ll get helpful information and resources.”


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