Esso Squash
Exeter provides many amazing squash courts for Exonians, but other people also take advantage of these courts through ESSO Squash. By partaking in ESSO Squash, young children from the town of Exeter get the chance to learn and play squash, a relatively uncommon sport that many Exonians never played until coming to PEA.
Through ESSO Squash, kids in the greater Exeter area can learn how to play squash from an early age, enjoying the opportunity to exercise, have fun and develop a lifetime hobby.
However, it is difficult to learn squash without a teacher. The more coaching these children can receive, the more they will improve. ESSO Squash welcomes you to help them improve their squash skill and have some fun in the process.
It is very rewarding to be able to work with these kids and see their improvement over time. Many of them go from not knowing how to hold a racket to hitting multiple shots back and forth. ESSO Squash will allow you to connect with members of the town outside the PEA bubble and extend your reach into the community.
Even though many Exonians have never played squash, and therefore, may not think they could help these kids significantly, if you have a background in racket sports like tennis, badminton and racquetball, you could teach the kids a thing or two!
ESSO Squash meets every Sunday from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the squash courts in the Love Gym. Every meeting, we warm up, practice the stroke techniques, play some matches and have fun! We encourage you to join ESSO Squash and other ESSO clubs to help children and give back. If you have any questions, please contact Ryan Xie at or Alan Xie at