Our Last Year Together: Siblings on Campus

Sara and Abe Kopunova

“Some girls come up to me and beg me to introduce them to my brother” -Sara

“She’ll go to EP with me if I’m really, really desperate” -Abe

Taylor and Chandler Jean-Jacques

“It’s nice having my sister here but also convenient. I now have two closets of clothes to choose from.” -Taylor

“My closet is twice the size this year which has been a plus. But she also borrows clothing without asking.”-Chandler

Charlie and Josie Russ

“Charlie and I always work well together at the Harkness table. He’s always backing up my point. Sometimes he even asks the same question I had. It’s like he can read my mind!”-Josie

“It can seem as if we are telepathically connected.” -Charlie

Alex and Joey Rothstein

“Now that I’m a senior I have learned to appreciate having her with me knowing that I will most likely never go to school with her again.” -Joey

“Getting pushed into the door by someone coming out of the English building and feeling surprised and then turning around and seeing your brother laughing at you took a little getting used too.” -Alex

Will and Kate Haering

“It also made my first year at Exeter easier because of the advice he was able to give me.” -Kate

“My sister and I are close, so I feel that we are able to seek advice and act as another friend on campus who is always looking out for the other” -Will

Hiro and Alyssa Kuwana

“He gave me hugs when I needed them and edited my papers.” -Alyssa

“Even at my worst moments there was always someone I could trust at the school who would definitely help me out.” -Hiro

Jordan and Madison Hillyard

“We can rap the whole Hamilton sound track” -Madison

“My favorite part of having Madison here is probably our car rides home. Either we are screaming the lyrics to Hamilton or having a heart to heart about whatever was bothering us that day.” -Jordan

Sarah and David Shepley

“In the beginning of the year he showed me the ropes: which side to eat on at Elm and warned me against wearing my lanyard around my neck. I could always count on him to have my back” -Sarah

“Having felt how comforting and helpful an older sibling could make my transition to Exeter, I wanted to be able to offer the same for Sarah. She has blown me away with her independence and she has ended up helping me more than I expected.”-David


A Trip to the Rainbow Nation


Artist of the Year: Alex Zhang