Fall Friendzy

Every year, new and returning students are subjected to the rigorous academics and reduced sleep schedule that accompany their first term at Exeter. On top of it all, they have to make new friends and assimilate into a dorm with entirely new people and entirely new routines. Although sharing a bedroom and a bathroom with around sixty of your newest, closest friends seems like a daunting idea, don’t let fear stop you from the benefits.Before getting involved in the vast opportunities for fun in a dorm, one has to complete a simply itsy-bitsy task, making friends. Bonding with members of your dorm is a vital first step at Exeter. It gives you a stepping stone towards other friendships, loads of company right from the start, and the ability to essentially see your friends whenever you wish.Many dorms have their own personal methods of dorm bonding, be it day trips to off-campus hot spots or simple athletic adventures on the quad, each one is sure bring you closer to your future best friends.For girls’ dorms, a perfect example of an interesting bonding activity is Bancroft’s Beach Day. The girls group up and head to a local beach, leaving behind the campus, their worries and woes, and their excessive homework. Many of Bancroft’s members found the experience very helpful for bonding, as well as relaxation. “Because it's the beginning of the year and we don't all know each other very well, it was good to get off campus and bond with everyone in a context separate from Exeter. It was fun to get to know everyone in such a relaxed environment,” Upper Charlotte Dillon explained. Although Dillon found the Beach Day a huge success, she recognized the importance in other bonding activities and so continued by going in depth on Bancroft’s other traditions. “We have pancake nights, we go apple picking on a Sunday in the fall, and we play a lot of ‘get to know you’ games in the beginning of the year.”Hannah Mackay, a Lower in Bancroft, echoed Dillon’s comments. “It really helped the upperclassmen bond with some of the new students in our dorm, allowing them to become more a part of our family.” Mackay explained. “At the beginning of the year trying to get all settled in it is really difficult to make time to visit, and meet the kids in your dorm, new and old, so having such relaxing time at the beach really helped all the girls get closer and unexpected friendships definitely formed.”Bancroft’s Beach Day and other traditions are only representative of one dorm. The important thing is to find what your dorm has planned and give it an earnest chance. Be it a trip to the beach or movies, or even a lazy day in the common room.For the guys’ dorms, there is no group more tight knit then Abbot Hall. The first weekend of the term featured an intense game of ultimate frisbee. The returning students made an effort to include all the new kids and try to instantly form friendships. “All of the new students in our dorm participated in that game. It really got them to feel comfortable around each other, gave them a sense of dorm pride and got them to love the game of ultimate [frisbee].” Upper Kyle Xia said. Xia went on to explain that frisbee was only one of many events Abbot held in their first term.“ It's a fun game that gets everyone out of the dorm every now and then. But we also have small dorm events every few weeks: a trip to the movies, a dinner, gym night, etc.” Ultimate frisbee, the gym, or dorm meals on Sunday–any of the three offer a quick way to get right into the dorm culture.Although some of the activities may not be your first choice and the fact that all the upperclassmen are already best friends can be taunting, jumping into some of the bonding activities that are offered will allow you to truly feel a part of your dorm.


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