Quote Box: Best Dorm on Campus

Anonymous - Reasons why McConnell is better than your dorm: Friday night pancakes, nicest girls on campus, and Bryce Soucy. Upper Rachel Sachs - Amen girls are sassy, classy, and nice! Adela Locsin ’13 - Wheelwright knows how to appreciate the finer things in life: Pad Thai bubble tea, floor parties for every birthday, Mr. Hartnett’s cheese and crackers, and Georgia O’Keefe. Senior Lloyd Feng - Webster Hall. Most colorful personalities and toilets on campus. Upper Katie Huffman - Moulton, because I just learned that it’s a thing. Senior Julia Gnip - Bancroft is #yoloswag. Upper Holden Hammontree - I love some things about my dorm: the room size, the people, and the way it resembles a cult in places like assembly. But at other times, I wish it were just a building I rest my head in. Anonymous - Dunbar is the best dorm on campus because it’s the most centralized and populated location of cute girls.


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