Where Would You Run to During a Mega Nor’easter?
Imagine: you’re walking on the path, aimlessly eating a Grill cookie or walking to class, and suddenly, you hear a crack of thunder from above. Rain starts to fall, and the wind picks up, beginning to lift you from the ground. You have to act fast to find a place to take shelter. Well, you’re in luck, here are the top three places on campus to be if you’re trapped in a hurricane.
Grill: Grill would absolutely be one of the best places you can be! It has infinite food (basically) and all your needs for living. You also could use the cookie dough as a soft surface for a bed. AND, you’ll be completely safe because of the protective gate that can be put over the entrance! You’ll never worry about being blown away in a storm with that gate protecting you.
The observatory: this place has so many benefits for huge storms on campus. One, it’s super safe, and two, you can storm watch! If you think about it, it IS an observatory, so what better to do in the observatory than observe? Take a look through the telescope, and watch the storm from inside. It might be hard to watch the storm directly outside through that way, but maybe you can see the hurricane on Jupiter!
Outside: The absolute best place to watch a hurricane would be from outside! First of all, who doesn’t love to run around in the rain? It’s so peaceful and nice to be able to just sit outside while rain falls on you. You might have to hang on for dear life, but that just adds to the fun! Also, you can get a first-hand account of the storm and have great stories to tell everyone who hid inside if you make it through the storm. Lastly, the reason why outside is the best is because you can watch the storm! It’s just like the observatory, except you can actually watch the storm from outside and not the storm on Jupiter!
For these reasons, it is with great delegation that I have concluded: that the best thing to do in a hurricane is nothing! Stay outside and watch nature work its beautiful magic.