Just Harkness Things

“Could you elaborate on that?”

Translation: What you said was just so stupid that I don’t know what to say. Have fun trying to justify that one in the text! ;)

“Going off of that...”

Translation: I thought of something vaguely related. I’ve been waiting for you to stop talking, so I can hear myself talk.

“Could we switch gears and talk about…”

Translation: I want to be a show off. (We get it, YoU aCtUaLlY DiD tHe ReAdInG.)

“On pages 518, 427, 322, 177, and…”

*Congratulations on being a Harkness Warrior™. Consider this your intervention. I swear to John Phillips, please do not spend thirty minutes providing exuberant amounts of evidence for your elaborate points. Even the teacher is starting to look at the clock and wait until you’re done talking.*

“I’ll be the scribe!”

Translation: I’m either a Harkness Warrior™ or the person in class who hasn’t talked all term!

“No, you go!” :)

Translation: I’m burning holes into you with my eyes, but I don’t want the teacher to think I’m rude, so go off I guess.

“What’s the construction of...”

Translation: You only looked up the vocab while doing the translation, didn’t you? It shows.

(Modo discipuli Latii intellegent.) :’)


How to Clean Your Room


Food for Thought