Top 10 Reasons to Vote for HRC This Election Season

1. She vacations at the same lake in upstate New York as you. You’ve seen her in her favorite full-business pantsuit bikini.

2. You love calling people “deplorables.”

3. Hillary goes to soup kitchens in $2145 suits, just like you!

4. When you see an email you just don’t like, your first instinct is also to delete it.

5. You are also a hip, young, bearded man with round, tortoiseshell glasses.

6. You have the perfect college diploma to cast your vote on.

7. You are the establishment.

8. You are a big fan of let-me-speak-to-the-manager haircuts.

9.  She doesn’t need affirmation of her big hands.

10. Your family tree is not a circle.


Actual Senior Superlatives


Exeter Sleep Deficit (10/25 - 11/1)