Boys and Girls Varsity Squash (2023-2024)


On the court, squash holds the illusion of being a solo, 1-v-1 sport, but both the Exeter girls’ and boys’ varsity squash teams credit their success to the incredible teamwork and community forged throughout the past winter season. 

The boys’ team of ten players played a tough 22 matches from the beginning of December until the end of February, but they were able to secure wins against Tabor Academy at the Saint Paul’s School (6-1), Groton School (4-3), Westminster School (5-2), Hopkins (5-2), Brooks School (7-0), Dexter School (5-2), and Middlesex School (6-1). At the Hopkins School’s tournament in which Big Red emerged victorious on their rival’s own home turf, players Ryan Breen, Byran Huang, Yash Shah, Dieder Wagner, and Andy Seals each earned victories in their respective matches to deliver the win.

The girls’ team started off the season strong with a 7-0 win away at St. Mark’s School led by upper Paloma Sze with a 3-0 victory, followed by a 4-3 win against Deerfield at home with excellent performances from players Emily Huang, Tiffany Sun, Aria Suchak, and Esme Shields. 

Huang, whose match broke the tie, shared that the game was no easy win. “The other [Exeter] varsity players were really good. We won a couple of matches, 3-0, and in straight games. And the deciding match was pretty intense. It was 3-1 but then we pulled off with the

victory in the end.” “The match against Deerfield was one of our best matches of the season thus far. Deerfield has consistently been a strong and difficult team to beat,” head squash coach Lovey

Oliff commented, “This was a competitive and fun match for all. The final win came down to lower Emily Huang winning her match 3-1 with the final game going in squash ‘overtime’ with a score of 12-10.”

“We have won against some pretty strong schools and some very hard-fought victories,” Huang added. 

Oliff appreciated the team’s resilience throughout the season. “Although we had a tough loss against St. Paul’s,” she shared, “we were able to hit the courts the next day.”

This resilience stems from a confidence that could only be created by collective wins and a strong sense of team community. “I think that [the Deerfield win] gives us the confidence that we are a worthwhile team and encourages us to go into our next matches with some confidence and some experience in our back pocket,” said Suchak.

“The team has started working well together as players and motivators,” agreed Oliff. “Watching the senior members of the team guide the newer players has been encouraging as a coach.”

When asked about their captains, Gigi Lannon, Lucy Lukens, and Esme Shields, the girls’ team gushed about their experience, positivity, and supportiveness. For example, lower Alva Carlston shared that they “always bring a positive energy and attitude to the court, even after a tough loss. Their commitment to improving their squash technique motivates me to work hard each day and witnessing their dedication inspires all of us on the team.”

“The three captains work well together to create a great team dynamic,” agreed Sze.”All of the captains help in a number of ways, but specifically, Esme and Gigi bring spirit and energy to the team, while Lucy helps demonstrate important technical skills.”

Both the boys’ and girls’ teams persevered through the winter season and dozens of matches, which ended in three days of competition at the High School Nationals at the Arlen Spectre U.S. Squash Center in Philadelphia, PA. At the end of the day, Lannon emphasized the importance of remembering that “squash is not just an individual sport; we are all a team.”


Boys and Girls Varsity Swimming & Diving (2023-2024)


Boys and Girls Varsity Hockey (2023-2024)