Varsity Field Hockey (2023-2024)


Seventeen strong, the girls’ varsity field hockey team practiced hard and played hard. As a result, they won a majority of their games with a final record of 10-5-1. Led by seniors and captains Adora Perry, Pippa Pflaum, and Kate Rose, the team became stronger through friendships and hardwork. 

“I really admire the captains this year. Adora, Pippa, and Kate have led the team through practices and games by increasing the intensity and just being role models for the rest of us. When they play with full effort, it inspires the rest of us to play 100 percent as well,” upper Natalia Ulbin said. 

“The captains are doing a great job at keeping the energy up, and Kate’s really good at inspiring the team when games get really competitive, when we get tired toward the end,” upper Clare Stewart-Selvan said. 

“Our captains are great,” senior Audrey Mills said. “They all work together very well, and they help lead the team on the field by doing warmups and being an amazing example for every girl on the field. But they are also so good off the field in answering any question about our practices, games or any other issues.”

Head coach Samantha Fahley added, “Everyday I’m so impressed by what the students and student-athletes do, and their taking the time to sit down together tells me they’re making time for each other off the field. They just seem to be enjoying each other, and that’s a bigger win than a win on the field.”

“Honestly, I think sitting at the bonfires together was my favorite team experience, but even when we do team dinners, some of us stay late at Elm because we want to keep talking,” Stewart-Selvan said.

Fahley said, “With all the hard work they put in, there’s nothing more rewarding than feeling good walking off the field, especially after a win. Last year we were only three games away from playoffs, so that’s a huge goal for us. We’re in a place to expect more of ourselves and when we startdoing that consistently, we’ll be able to put games away.”

“I think we’re all using each other and playing a very team-oriented game,” Ulbin added. 

Although the team did not make the playoffs, the season was not a waste. The team positively reflected back on their game against Milton Academy, where they tied 1-1. “The game against Milton was also a personal highlight for me. The game was very back-and-forth and overtime was no different, and it was really exciting to have a close-matched low-scoring game,” upper Grace Benson said. 

“That game was a highlight for me,” Mills said. “I feel the team worked really well and it was also a very close game. I also feel like I played well that day. My family came to the game, so it was a great experience.”

Through their improvement during the season, the team is looking forward to working harder and hanging out more in the coming season. 


Varsity Football (2023-2024)


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